Today is #GivingTuesday – a day to celebrate giving and be thankful for what we have. And as I reflect on all that I’ve been given, and how thankful I am for those who have given to HopeChest, there are still many sad realities in our world. It’s hard to believe that there are places where people live on less than two dollars a day, but sadly this is true for many people around the world. And, extreme poverty disproportionately affects children, leaving them with no hope or a future.We need your help to solve this problem! And there is no better day than today, Giving Tuesday, to help.
Organizations have tried for decades to eradicate poverty for the most vulnerable, with little success. The truth is, handouts don’t work. To fix the problem, we need a new approach. Children‘s HopeChest has learned that each community faces unique issues, and so we have created a holistic approach to empower not only children, but everyone in that community, to lift themselves out of poverty. Individual by individual. Family by family. Community by community.

Meet Esther* – a child that is HIV positive from Ongongoja, Uganda. Before HopeChest established a CarePoint in her community, Esther and her family had no access to education or medical care and were forced to eat leaves off trees for food. Esther had no hope and no prospect for a future. Through the CarePoint she was connected with a sponsor from the partner church in the U.S. and is receiving medical care, nutritious meals, spiritual development and is able to attend school! She now has hope, and her community is on a path to self-sustainability.
I’m asking you for a generous donation to make a lasting impact on the lives of the most vulnerable children and their communities around the world. With your help, we can implement holistic solutions that result in real change. Your gift will allow us to address physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and equip vulnerable children and families with the tools they need to instill hope and break the cycle of poverty.
Thank you for your prayers and financial partnership. Together, we will make a huge difference in the lives of the most vulnerable.
P.S. Did you know that on #GivingTuesday, all donations are processed without a transaction fee? Your donation goes further today than any other day!
*We’ve changed her name to protect her dignity and identity