Writing to your sponsored child is a great way to lay the groundwork for a strong and fruitful relationship that provides both of you with strength and encouragement.
The letters our sponsored children receive are treasures that will be kept for years to come. Please take the time to write to your sponsored child today using our form below. Online submissions are preferred and will reach your HopeChest Friend more quickly than physical mail!

Tips for writing your HopeChest Friend
We recommend that sponsors write their sponsored children at least once every three months, but at most one letter per month. Tell them about your hobbies, interests, activities, job, school, travels, and family. Share your favorite Bible verse* and your dreams for the future with them. Make sure to ask them questions too! For some great letter-writing tips click here! Include pictures of your family and your life.
*Russia sponsors: Please do not openly share the gospel or Bible verses. This could potentially put our ministry in Russia at risk. You may only share your personal experience
with Christ but no evangelistic messages.
To build the relationship:

Photos of yourself and your family | Your walk with Christ and your favorite Bible verse | Your hobbies, interests, and fun stories

About their lives and their interests | How you can pray for them

Be Consistent
About writing them (we suggest at least once every three months) | About telling your child you are praying for them/thinking about them
To protect the relationship:

What You Should Send
Only paper items that will fit inside of a flat envelope! (Please do not send gifts or money.)

For Your Privacy
Do not share personal communication information (this includes your address, email, phone numbers, Facebook, etc.) or financial information with your sponsor child.

Resist Making Promises
Empty promises, or making promises that you cannot keep, hurts the trust in your relationship with your sponsor child. This includes saying that you will visit “sometime” or suggesting that you will adopt them or bring them to the U.S.
If You Do Send Physical Mail:
- Please write the child ID on every page and photo that you send. This will help HopeChest’s in-country staff as they sort through the content.
- Please send photos that are at least 3” x 5”.
- We request that you send a maximum of three pictures if you choose to send photos with your physical letter.
- Greeting cards are great! However, thick cards that have musical features, foam flowers, or lots of glitter can be difficult to send.
You may send handwritten letters to:
Children’s HopeChest
P.O. Box 1190
Palmer Lake, CO 80133
Include your child’s full name and reference number on all mail.

Write Now!
Occasionally attached images will get flagged and block upload for a number of different reasons. If this happens to you, please email the content of your letter and the photo you would like to attach to childrenshopechest@hopechest.org