Upload Your Photo

Please use the form below to capture a photo of yourself. If you are using a device with a camera, you can capture a new photo or you can select a file from your device. This photo will be used at the launch event at the CarePoint where the children in the program will select their HopeChest Friend. Please enter your “first name” as the text that you would like to appear on the card at the CarePoint Launch. Please note that the photos are matched via email, so you should use the same email that is attached to your sponsorship.

  • Enter the first names of all family members you would like the child to see during the friend match event
  • Enter your CarePoint and/or Partner Community above
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, gif, Max. file size: 10 MB.

If your photo is causing an error that you are unable to resolve you can email your photo to childrenshopechest@hopechest.org