The COVID-19 pandemic appeared unexpectedly. This created a lot of challenges for each one of us. This was even more challenging for our CarePoints and the community leaders. In situations like this, we can be afraid, causing us to freeze, or we can overcome.
During this time, Super Aventuras, a Guatemalan ministry, contacted the Pueblo Modelo CarePoint leaders about an opportunity for the children to win a book of children’s Bible stories by memorizing 15-20 verses. The only way this new initiative could be done was if the children’s parents would video-record them reciting the verses with their phones, and send the videos to the people in Guatemala City to validate them. Pretty high-tech for Pueblo Modelo!
Many children were invited to participate. As of May 29th, only four children have won the contest. Pueblo Modelo leaders, Debora and Eric, went to present each of the winners their prize — a book of Bible stories.

The first stop was the house of Pueblo Modelo’s CarePoint Facilitator, Dairyn. Her son, Aaron, had memorized the assigned 15 Bible verses, and was pleased with his accomplishment, including the corresponding award! After Dayrin, Eric and Debora, visited Michell and her mother Adela. Michell memorized 20 assigned verses, and received her book of Bible stories. Her parents beamed with pride at her accomplishment.

Then they visited the third winner. This was the Lohany’s house. She is a second grader at the Pueblo Modelo school. Upon arriving at her house, a white flag was hanging on their gate. During the pandemic, a white flag has been a subtle way of alerting neighbors that a family is in high need of food and other basic necessities. So the CarePoint leaders began inquiring about the living conditions of the family. As Eric said, ¨To my surprise, all the family was very upbeat and joyful. There was even a decorated Bible verse posted on their front gate.¨ Both mom and dad were very appreciative of the opportunity for Lohany to win the book of Bible stories.¨We left extremely blessed by our time with this family!¨Eric said.

The next house was Martha’s. This is one of the ladies who helps prepare breakfast for the children at Pueblo Modelo CarePoint. Her daughter, Heilyn, also won a book of Bible stories. This challenge was not easy for parents either. Marta shared that she was losing patience helping her daughter film the video. On take-40 of the video, she was losing her patience. Although, Heilyn knew the Bible verses, she was having some nerves that caused her to stumble with the camera rolling. She almost gave up. Right when she wanted to stop, her younger brother, David, had just the right words to encourage her.
He told his sister, “Calm down and have faith. You can do it!” Then, he turned to his mother and said, “And mom, you need to exercise patience. That is not easy to accomplish.” We are glad both faith and patience helped produce a winning video for Heilyn!

There is still a handful of children who are still memorizing and recording Bible verses. It is quite possible that more prizes will be presented. As for the physical needs (food supplies) within the community, HopeChest planned to distribute more food bags to the 660 students enrolled at the school during the first week of June. Thank you for your faithful collaboration in this ministry of hope and transformation.
Read how Pueblo Modelo CarePoint also sewed over 1,500 masks during the beginning of the pandemic!