Welcome back to our blog and podcast series Fueling the Future, where we explore the importance of empowering tomorrow’s leaders by investing in today’s youth. In today’s blog, we have a conversation with Rich Atalla, a former HopeChest Partnership Leader (HPL) and current HopeChest Friend to 3 teens and young adults from Mision Energes CarePoint in Guatemala. In the Q+A styled conversation below, Rich shares his inspiring story of two-way transformation and highlight the crucial importance of investing in our youth. Get ready to be inspired!
Q: Rich, before we begin, could you share a bit about yourself and your journey with HopeChest?
A: Certainly! I’ve been with HopeChest for five years now. When I lived in Atlanta, Georgia, my church was searching for a missions organization that focused on building relationships rather than simply writing checks. HopeChest was exactly what our mid-size church was looking for. I’ve had the opportunity to make multiple trips to Guatemala, both before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, establishing an incredible partnership along the way!
Q: This series revolves around sponsoring, supporting, and empowering teens and young adults. Could you tell us about your experience sponsoring Wendy, a 14-year-old girl?
A: Wendy holds a special place in my heart. I remember meeting her on our first vision trip. There was something extraordinary about her even then. We’ve been friends for about five years now, and witnessing her growth has been truly remarkable.