CarePoints transform lives and generations of individuals. Orphaned and vulnerable children are embraced at CarePoints, and so are their guardians! Many CarePoints have special programs for guardians to gain financial education and in some cases, employment! By including the children’s families in their transformative process, HopeChest is affecting whole families, who in turn pour into their communities. In this way, entire communities begin thriving!
We are celebrating the entrepreneurial spirit of of one of our community leaders whose grandson, Frank, attends the Murole CarePoint in Uganda. Peter has been very active in the CarePoint’s income-generating activities and has taken part in the goat program and the Microfinance Program.

Besides Peter’s incredible entrepreneurial talents, there were many other factors that contributed to his success. His homestead is located off one of the main highways, which generated the perfect amount of traffic to create a successful roadside business! The area is a major trade route, and sits right near the border of Rwanda and Congo. He built his mushroom house from the start up capital he received through the Microfinance program that he joined at the CarePoint. This mushroom house had to be specially built because the room had to be a small, dark building. Mushroom markets were nonexistent, which made his shop a lucrative business.

Now Peter’s mushrooms are sold in the local markets, and he has even earned enough income from mushroom sales to purchase a small plot of land so that he can invest in another project–growing cabbages! The cabbages are for his family’s consumption as well as for market sales. He has also been able to begin a small timber business on the side of the road as well as a roadside snack shop, where he sells porridge to passersby. When our staff visited his family, they were preparing porridge for a relative’s wedding reception. He and his wife felt pride and dignity because they were able to provide the food for those attending the wedding.
Peter is a highly respected man in his community and his ambition has produced many income-generating and self-sustaining outcomes. He and his wife care for numerous grandchildren and it is a blessing to them that their business is doing so well. The mushroom project has created a high demand in the community and some community members are now being enrolled in the training program!

His story is a great example of sustainable transformation. He wisely used his resources and we are very proud to partner with him at the Murole CarePoint.