After living in an institution like an orphanage, it can feel overwhelming for youth to explore what enjoyable and profitable future employment might look like. At Vladimir CarePoint in Russia, a unique program exists to build orphaned youth’s confidence about finding work that best suits their talents and interests.
Through Jobs for Life, Vladimir Employment Agency specialists conduct evaluations of program participants to determine their professional inclinations and job compatibilities.
In January 2020, Tatyana, the Vladimir CarePoint counselor and Jobs for Life coach, helped program participants determine what they are interested in and special skills they have that could apply to work. Then throughout the spring, Tatyana held group and individual sessions, covering topics like job market research, methods of job hunting, job interviews, putting together a resume, self-presentation, and more. These sessions equip the orphanage graduates with confidence to find and apply for jobs once they determine what they would like to do.
This program adapted during the quarantine period, and CarePoint staff stayed connected with the participants via social networks and phone and Zoom calls, working individually with each participant on their “Personal Career Plan.”
An important aspect of Jobs for Life is connecting the participants to people in various professions who inspire the youth and show them firsthand what meaningful employment is like. In October and November, quarantine restrictions began lifting and they were finally able to organize these field trips and motivational meetings with speakers and potential employers.

One of the field trips was to the cooking studio, Roulet. The program participants learned about the pros and cons of being a cook and had a chance to prepare and taste delicious Georgian dishes, including khinkali (meat dumplings) and khachapuri (cheese bread).

Another field trip was to a driving school, where the program participants learned what it means to be a professional driver and what jobs will be available for them when they have their driver’s license.

In the Lighthouse: Coffee and Ceramics workshop, the talented owner and artist shared her entrepreneurial experience with the program participants. Several years ago, she opened a coffee shop and ceramics workshop. She inspired the graduates not to be afraid and to make their dreams come true. We hope that some of our program participants will become successful businessmen and women who are able to start their own business in the future!
So far, as a result of Jobs for Life’s program in 2020, one participant has a full-time job, four combine their studies at college with part-time jobs, and 10 participants are continuing their education and have a clear vision of what career they would like to have in the future, and what they need to do to achieve their goals.
This impactful program runs when there is support for it. If you would like to contribute to the next session of Jobs for Life, you can learn more and invest in the program, here.