Enat CarePoint
Self-Help Groups
Family economic empowerment is fundamental to sustainability. The overall goal of Enat CarePoint is to bring long-term economic sustainability and social development to the target groups. Children, their families, and the community at large are the three target groups to whom the project is intended to bring development. Families will be organized in a Community Self-help Group and they will be trained and equipped to plan and start small businesses. Through their group savings and seed money we provide, they will gain access to finance for their businesses. To ensure success, they will receive continued support and follow up.
Goals and Objectives
- Establish a community self-help saving group for 45 children’s families to create a sustainable business and generate income in the next 5 years.
- Create job opportunities for 45 children’s parents, enhance their income, and facilitate a secure working environment. Furthermore, provide commodities at low prices for their community.
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