The beginning of the new school year is not an easy time for parents and children, especially after a long quarantine.
In Russia, for almost six months everyone had to stay at home, and this isolation was really challenging for families. Online learning was a new thing that not many people were prepared for. It took a lot of patience and creativity to overcome the anxiety and tension. During the pandemic Russia staff provided not just food bags, diapers, and medicine, but also online counseling and Zoom support groups and trainings for participants of the Young Mothers Program.
The Young Mothers Program provides psychological, social, pedagogical, and financial aid to young mothers in crisis situations. The young mothers acquire child care skills, awareness of child health-related issues and proper medicines, learn how to budget finances, and learn how to resolve conflicts.
It was such a joy on September 3rd for Vladimir CarePoint staff to finally be able to invite the families back to the CarePoint! To support families, cheer them up, and relieve stress, we organized a special party for them, “The Silver (foil) Show.” The CarePoint was filled with fun and delight!
Twenty-seven children, 10 moms and two dads enjoyed this event, creating a “silver storm” and diving into “silver drifts.” After the program, all the participants were treated to snacks and tea with chocolates. The children also received stationery for educational support.
Anna, one of the mothers who attended the party, said, “It was so hard for us to stay away from Vladimir CarePoint. We missed everyone so much. We talked on Zoom, but it is not the same. My four children, my husband, and I were so happy to come to Vladimir to this party! We got to see everyone and had a lot of fun. Thank you for making our lives better!”

Your support of programs in Russia are not only providing critical resources for young mothers in crisis situations like nutritional, educational, medical, and emotional support. When you invest in HopeChest programs, you are also investing in the deep relationships that are built between CarePoint staff and participants. Relationship is always at the center, and is what keeps many individuals coming back to receive support and encouragement.
Learn more about HopeChest Russia.