What is it like seeing our impact in Guatemala firsthand?
As an organization, Children’s HopeChest is always thinking through ways to be innovative with our operations. Introducing, TaroWorks, HopeChest’s most recent movement toward innovation.
As an organization, Children’s HopeChest is always thinking through ways to be innovative with our operations. Introducing, TaroWorks, HopeChest’s most recent movement toward innovation.
“I was honored to shake hands, hug, and get to know those who are directly impacting the children and communities we work with. Our mission had now become very real to me.”
As an organization, Children’s HopeChest is always thinking through ways to be innovative with our operations. Introducing, TaroWorks, HopeChest’s most recent movement toward innovation.
Did you know that Children’s HopeChest is hosting virtual partner visits?! These visits are unique two-to-three hour experiences that occur in the comfort of your own living room!
Russia’s Country Director, Katya Celenina, shares how Russia CarePoints have innovatively transformed to keep participants safe. Learn how CarePoint staff are keeping participants engaged and connected and how orphanage graduates are making an impact in their communities.
Children’s HopeChest stands on the side of justice. Learn more about an upcoming podcast episode about racial equality and how you can subscribe to HopeChest’s podcast so you don’t miss it!
The coronavirus pandemic has caused vast food shortages and limited access to adequate nutrition in vulnerable communities around the world. Learn how HopeChest aims to make an impact.
What is the absolute easiest way to make an impact and support one of your favorite nonprofits? Sign up for AmazonSmile!
For the first time ever, Giving Tuesday has expedited the day of international generosity to May 5th, in order to provide urgent financial support for nonprofits. HopeChest has created a list of five ways your Giving Tuesday donation can provide tangible, critical support with examples of remarkable things that are already happening at CarePoints around the world.
The sewing group at Children’s HopeChest’s Pueblo Modelo CarePoint in Guatemala has become the light of Christ in their community, recently sewing over 1,500 masks
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Children’s HopeChest is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation (Federal Tax ID: 33-0430285).
2024 Giving Statements will be provided to all donors. These statements will be emailed or mailed in January 2025. If you do not see your statement, please check your junk email folder. To request a replacement statement, email childrenshopechest@hopechest.org after February 15, 2025.