Q & A About Virtual Partner Visits With HopeChest’s Travel Team
Did you know that Children’s HopeChest is hosting virtual partner visits?! These visits are unique two-to-three hour experiences that occur in the comfort of your own living room!
Did you know that Children’s HopeChest is hosting virtual partner visits?! These visits are unique two-to-three hour experiences that occur in the comfort of your own living room!
Have you been curious about what a CarePoint looks like? Watch a 4-minute tour of a CarePoint in Uganda through the eyes of 12-year-old Anita!
Even those whose hearts are normally on fire for justice and authentic connection can experience a dry well of motivation. Faith, HopeChest Partnership Leader for Ukro CarePoint in Ethiopia, writes about how her partnered communities stay connected during difficult times.
This year, it has been difficult for many people to not be able to see the people they care about due to distancing and cancelled travel plans. We asked children from each country we partner with what they miss most about their HopeChest Friends. We hope you enjoy their heartwarming answers and know that your support is making a tangible difference!
We’re celebrating five projects around the world that have been recently funded and are making a transformational impact! HopeChest partners work hard to fundraise toward projects that make a huge difference in their partnered CarePoint communities.
We asked five of these HPLs to share, in their own words, how they have seen transformation in both their home community, and the CarePoint community that they partner with.
The homemade PVC-framed curtains are up. The pharmacy is readily staffed. We are flush with physical therapists wielding braces and canes. We have enough fluoride
We met Vitalik back on a partner visit in 2009 to Kameshkevo Orphanage. Vitalik had only been at the orphanage for a short time, maybe
We all have emotions and parts of us that are stirred when we see the faces of underprivileged children from majority world countries. Actually laying
Each year that I have returned it amazes me how the children remember me! How they hold onto the memories made over just six days a year. These children love the relationship that we are building, as do I!
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