No Longer Just a Picture on Our Refrigerator
I was overcome with emotion seeing his adorable face, as he was no longer just a picture on our refrigerator.
I was overcome with emotion seeing his adorable face, as he was no longer just a picture on our refrigerator.
As they’ve developed their community’s resources, God has healed their material poverty. In both communities we have empowered one another to pull ourselves out of our poverty.
I certainly was not prepared to be pursued as a solution to their desperation, mostly because I knew I wasn’t the solution. I was grossly uncomfortable with the thought that anyone might think I actually was.
The story she shared with us was no light matter; we were all in tears. Abneezer’s mother and sister are ill, and they cannot afford the necessary medical care, nor is there easy access to it.
It was the smile in their eyes contrasted with the extreme conditions where they sat crouched, gripping babies. I was drawn to want to know the story of women in Ethiopia who make painful and difficult decisions about survival every day.
Enjoy the smiles and stories of the graduates, as we celebrate their accomplishments and their launch into the next chapter of adult life.
We definitely want to see all 300 children sponsored but we also hope to see their guardians and community benefit from the program. It would be ideal to incorporate income generation activities for the area using their local resources.
We came to the top of a hill and peered down. At the bottom we saw a structure comprised of corrugated metal sheeting nailed together. It was the home our team was visiting for the afternoon.
When I met Getahun’s father, mother, two brothers, and two sisters, we immediately felt a spiritual connection. … They were so thankful! We prayed together, cried together, and hugged each other.
What might seem so simple and easy for us can change a life somewhere else. Through these animals, children and their families come to a deeper understanding of God’s care for them.
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