Vertical Chapel

Vertical Chapel is launching with partnerships at two different HopeChest CarePoints in Ethiopia. Use the buttons below to navigate to each CarePoint, learn more, and decide how you’d like to support.
Alade Genet CarePoint Alade Genet CarePoint is located in the Sidama Regional State of Hawassa city which is 275 km away from the capital of Addis Ababa.
Shashemene Gofa Sefer CarePoint located in the Oromia Regional State of Shashemene city which is 250 k.m. away from the capital of Addis Ababa.
The HopeChest Team Supporting Both Alade Genet and Shashemene Gofa Sefer CarePoints

Milkias (Mickey) Taye Gutema
Country Director

Faith Netsanet
Community Partnership Manager

Britany Krause
HopeChest Partnership Leader