Bukedea CarePoint aims to support orphaned children in the impoverished, urban area along the Bukedea/Mbale highway in Uganda.
They have little to no access to clean water or nutritious food due to poverty, family breakdown, and the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The challenges community members face dictate that the children survive by means of child labor, begging, and even sexual exploitation. Many children have dropped out of school because of tuition prices, teenage pregnancies, and early marriages. This lack of education perpetuates the already dangerous cycle of poverty amongst the children in this community.
With the partnership of Orphans of Teso, the children at Adacar CarePoint have the opportunity to grow physically, spiritually, and emotionally while the Orphans of Teso community also experiences positive transformation!
The Bukedea CarePoint is part of the Orphans of Teso family of CarePoints in Eastern Uganda, which also includes Ogoloi CarePoint and Ongongoja CarePoint.
The HopeChest Team Supporting Bukedea

Isaac Okwang
Community Relationship Manager

Wil Crooks
Vice President of Strategic Partnerships

Jen DeBruin
HopeChest Partnership Leader
Empower a Child at Bukedea
Empowering a child is one of the most personal ways that you can make an impact on global poverty. It is more than providing for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. When you sponsor a child, you build a relationship that shows that child they are valuable, worth loving, and worth investing in.
Your sponsorship is the starting point of a journey that equips vulnerable children, their families, and their communities to create sustainable transformation. When you sponsor a child with HopeChest, you are not just supporting one child — you are helping transform entire communities.
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HopeChest’s approach to alleviating poverty is asset-based, because we believe that in every place on earth there are resources, not only for surviving, but for thriving and succeeding. Local leaders tell us what they do have instead of what they don’t have, and we walk with them to see their vision for their community come to fruition through development projects.
A fundraiser for Bukedea CarePoint is transformational rather than transactional. It promotes empowerment rather than dependence. Your support for these projects will go a long way as, together, we invest in holistic and sustainable solutions that address the root issues of poverty.
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When our staff visit CarePoints, the most common question they get from children is how their sponsors are doing. They LOVE hearing from you!
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