Disclaimer: In accordance with Children’s HopeChest Child Protection Policy and standards, the child’s name in this story has been altered to protect their privacy.
Caring For All
One of the major responsibilities of CarePoints is looking after the health of the children they serve. In many areas, medical care can be scarce and expensive. For many struggling families, healthcare is simply a luxury.
The Shashemene Wondo Ber CarePoint provides for many children in their community. Children are given routine check-ups, minor treatment, and sanitary materials. If a child needs serious treatment, CarePoint staff can arrange transportation to the correct medical facility.

Aida joined the Shashemene Wondo Ber CarePoint in 2016. That same year, all the children of the CarePoint were given a general health screening. Aida’s health report was abnormal. The doctor conducting the children’s medical screenings referred her to a specialist in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital.
What’s Wrong With Aida?
Aida and her family traveled to the capital to see the specialist at the Tikur Ambessa Hospital. The doctor conducted many tests on Aida’s heart to determine the source of the problem. After reviewing the results, the specialist diagnosed her with congenital heart disease. Congenital heart disease is the most common type of birth defect, but still rare. Symptoms can include heart murmurs, shortness of breath, even blue-tinted skin.
Depending on the severity, her condition can be fatal without treatment. Aida was immediately put on medication to alleviate her symptoms. Additionally, the doctor said that Aida’s condition required surgery. She would have to stay in the pediatric unit at the hospital and wait for the chance to have the corrective surgery.

After a long 3 months of waiting, it was Aida’s turn for the surgery! With the CarePoint’s financial support, Aida was able to undergo the corrective surgery, and it went smoothly with no complications.
Life After Surgery
Now, Aida is 13, and in Grade 4. Her health has improved greatly. She is able to run and physically play with her friends outside. She is an outstanding student in school- ranking first out of 55 students. Her parents and her CarePoint are very proud of her and her success. Her parents give all of their thanks to God, and to the CarePoint and sponsors that made Aida’s surgery possible.

Without the CarePoint’s health screenings for children in their community, Aida would have gone without diagnosis. She may have never received treatment or surgery for her heart defect.
The CarePoint’s help made all the difference in her quality of life, and set her on the path to a successful future! Aida’s story makes our hearts warm- no pun intended.