Hitata Genet school is located in the Awassa region in Ethiopia and was established in 2008 through a local church in the Hitata district. The absence of fundamental resources has made it difficult for children to learn effectively, and has consequently forced numerous children to drop out of school. The goal of Hitata Genet is to provide education to the orphaned and vulnerable children in the surrounding area, who would not otherwise have access to education.
Children’s HopeChest aims to provide a program with the goal of building a school that will serve over 400 students in the region, and to improve the access and quality of education. Hitata primary school will be the first type of its kind and will reduce the burden of the community, the local church, and the local government.
With the partnership of Calvary Church of Los Gatos, the children at Hitata Genet CarePoint have the opportunity to grow physically, spiritually, and emotionally while the Calvary Church of Los Gatos community also experiences positive transformation!
The HopeChest Team Supporting Hitata Genet

Mesfin Yohannes
Program Manager

Tenbit Zeleke
Community Relationship Manager

Atkelt Simon
Strategic Partnership Director

McKenna Giordano
HopeChest Partnership Leader
Empower a Child at Hitata Genet
Empowering a child is one of the most personal ways that you can make an impact on global poverty. It is more than providing for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. When you sponsor a child, you build a relationship that shows that child they are valuable, worth loving, and worth investing in.
Your sponsorship is the starting point of a journey that equips vulnerable children, their families, and their communities to create sustainable transformation. When you sponsor a child with HopeChest, you are not just supporting one child — you are helping transform entire communities.
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HopeChest’s approach to alleviating poverty is asset-based, because we believe that in every place on earth there are resources, not only for surviving, but for thriving and succeeding. Local leaders tell us what they do have instead of what they don’t have, and we walk with them to see their vision for their community come to fruition through development projects.
A fundraiser for Hitata Genet CarePoint is transformational rather than transactional. It promotes empowerment rather than dependence. Your support for these projects will go a long way as, together, we invest in holistic and sustainable solutions that address the root issues of poverty.
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