Nuevo Reto (New Challenge) CarePoint is a ministry of hope for children who have experienced some sort of trauma, abuse, or other difficult situations in their childhood. These children also lack spiritual, moral, and economic support from their families. The ministry serves children to 22-year-olds, and provides a safe place where children have resources to eat a meal, receive an education, and learn to live an independent life. In an effort to improve the children’s nutrition, the ministry offers a lunch for all the children attending the program. It is a very important part of the daily activities, because what they will eat at the center may be the only proper meal they will have in a day.
With the partnership of the Kirkmont Presbyterian Church, the children at Nuevo Reto CarePoint have the opportunity to grow physically, spiritually, and emotionally while the Kirkmont Presbyterian Church community also experiences positive transformation!
Like many HopeChest CarePoints around the world, Nuevo Reto offers vocational training skills to the youth in their community (and often the caregivers of children at the CarePoint). Currently, Nuevo Reto has a sewing program and a carpentry program! In these vocational trainings, program participants are taught how to use tools, plan for completing a project, have a strong work ethic, and manage their finances.
Earlier this year, the carpentry shop participants made 13 bunk beds. After being in the program for awhile, the older boys now have extensive experience using woodworking tools and creating advanced projects. It only took them two weeks to make the 13 bunk beds! These teens are eager to learn new skills and take on new projects.
The girls and two young moms in the sewing class contributed to this project as well by making beautiful pillows and blankets for the bunk beds.

After everything was put together, the program participants delivered the beds to 13 families in the community who were in need of improved sleeping conditions. Twenty-six children are now sleeping in their own beds!
“What a blessing it is for us that while our students learn they also bless others with the work of their hands,” says the Nuevo Reto CarePoint staff.

Yulissa is one of the girls in the community who received a bed. Her and her little sister were sleeping on one bed with their parents — never before have they slept in their own bed. CarePoint staff described the smiles on their faces as priceless when the beds were delivered. Yulissa and the other children are overjoyed at their new beds and lovely new bedding.

Local outreach is an important aspect of a CarePoint’s community presence. As directed by Christ’s call to love our neighbors, CarePoints are showing us how to be Christ-like and address the needs in our community using the skills we have.
Learn about HopeChest’s work in Guatemala.