Global Mental Health Statistics

Global Mental Health Statistics

Mental illness and health are human rights issues and need to be discussed in today’s world.
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How Village Savings Empowered This Single Mom to Be an Entrepreneur

How Village Savings Empowered This Single Mom to Be an Entrepreneur

Meet this hardworking and persistent single mother named Apophenia who is using a VSLA group at her local CarePoint to...
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Going the Extra Mile is Always Worth It

Going the Extra Mile is Always Worth It

Sometimes, the largest impacts in life are the ones that cannot be measured. They don't always make the headlines, but...
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God’s Grace & Peanut Butter
Blog Uganda

God’s Grace & Peanut Butter

Today we’re sharing a beautiful story of hope and redemption. It’s the story of a boy named Okello and his...
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The Cycle of Poverty Trap

The Cycle of Poverty Trap

How does the cycle of poverty keep people trapped in the endless loop? Why is it so difficult to escape?...
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The Surprising Global Reality of Mental Health and Poverty
Big Picture Blog

The Surprising Global Reality of Mental Health and Poverty

The World Health Organization has determined that 1 in 4 people will be affected by a mental illness at some...
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Partner Stories Series: Jen DeBruin
Blog Podcast

Partner Stories Series: Jen DeBruin

Realtors Jen and Dylan Debruin bring local business leaders together to fundraise for specific projects that support communities in Uganda...
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The Importance of Letter Writing

The Importance of Letter Writing

Writing to your sponsored child is a great way to lay the groundwork for a strong and fruitful relationship that...
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The Commitment to a Community
Big Picture

The Commitment to a Community

Here in the United States and other Western countries, reaching the age of 18 represents a milestone of adulthood. At...
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Building Blocks of Change

Building Blocks of Change

Being faithful and trusting in a cause that’s bigger than yourself is difficult. Working towards bigger goals can also be...
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Partner Stories Series: Thad Spring

Partner Stories Series: Thad Spring

Thad Spring is the Outreach and Teaching Pastor at the All Shores Wesleyan Church in Spring Lake, Michigan, where he...
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Celebrating Education
Big Picture Blog

Celebrating Education

Receiving an education is one of the most effective ways individuals and communities can escape poverty. Most people who live...
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Showcasing HopeChest Travel

Showcasing HopeChest Travel

With the world slowly recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic, international travel has been able to return as well. Travel and...
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Celebrating Women Around the World

Celebrating Women Around the World

As Women’s History Month is coming to a close, we’re celebrating the amazing women around the world in the countries...
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Introducing the Partner Stories Series!

Introducing the Partner Stories Series!

We are so excited to be sharing a brand new series on our podcast, “Build Relationships, Break Poverty” featuring our...
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The Infrastructure Paradox

The Infrastructure Paradox

Infrastructure is a great resource that is often taken for granted in developed nations. Roads, water systems, a postal service,...
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How to do Effective International Short-Term Mission Trips
Big Picture Blog

How to do Effective International Short-Term Mission Trips

Why Mission Trips Should Be Part of Your Church Missions StrategyChristians are called to the Great Commission, the command to “go...
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The Importance of Animal Husbandry

The Importance of Animal Husbandry

Animal husbandry is one of the most effective tools in the fight against global poverty. One of the most dire...
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Looking Ahead in Ethiopia
Big Picture Ethiopia

Looking Ahead in Ethiopia

When a mission’s focus is primarily on long-term transformation, it means seeing the results of that transformation take time. After...
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One HPL’s Amazing Story of Transformation

One HPL’s Amazing Story of Transformation

Ron Clover is the HopeChest Partnership Leader at the Hope Reformed Church in Grand Haven, Michigan. He wrote the following...
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