30 Jobs for 30 Women

It was the smile in their eyes contrasted with the extreme conditions where they sat crouched, gripping babies. I was drawn to want to know the story of women in Ethiopia who make painful and difficult decisions about survival every day.

Silver’s Story

Silver had always been interested in electronics. He began by building his own radio. Then, he built his own cell phone watch.

Highlights of Hope: 2015

By God’s grace, 2015 was an exciting year for HopeChest. There have been so many stories of impact, transformation and restoration of dignity and hope.

About This Blog

Relationship. At our core, this is what HopeChest is about. We exist to restore hope and human dignity to the most vulnerable people living in some of the most challenging places in the world, through highly-relational, Community-to-Community partnerships.

HopeChest Partnership Leader Spotlight: Susan Mogish

The change in lives from traveling and sponsoring is always something so beautiful to me.  I see people’s hearts open up as they become connected to their sponsored child in a unique way that I believe only God can orchestrate.