Meet Eswatini’s New Country Director, Bheki Motsa!

In 2007 I was part of the Wesleyan Church in Ntabamhloshana area – Manzini, which had international attendees, hence I was a translator during sermon times. It was the same year that Adventures in Missions (AIM) and Children’s HopeChest started a joint venture to care for orphaned and vulnerable children in various Swazi communities. Some missionary friends asked me to help on a part-time basis at AIM/HopeChest, so time and again I’d serve there, working with different mission teams as a translator/ministry guide whenever I would be free from university. I was very grateful for the opportunity, to minister alongside such wonderful messengers, especially because I had a life transforming experience working with each single team that came. Moreover, a passion to reach out to others was kindled inside me and I started to do personal outreaches to certain families and individuals. I was shocked to realize the great need people had for the gospel and God’s love, even in my own neighborhood. 

In my early Christian life, I had neglected the responsibility to reach out, and made the excuse of being a shy person who was too “busy” with his studies. However, my exposure to outreach through serving alongside mission teams transformed my attitude towards ministry.

When I was about to finish my Bachelor’s Degree in Science with the University of Eswatini in 2009, AIM/HopeChest leadership asked me if I could join their Discipleship Team (D-Team) full-time the following year. I accepted the offer after seriously praying and thinking about it. I’d admit though, my initial thought was to decline, since it did not line-up with my childhood aspirations. I had always wanted to be a chemist, just so I could avoid too much interaction with people since I believed I was shy, but God changed my perspective through my voluntary ministry and gave me a heart to minister to people through my vocation and skills.



I then joined the D-Team in January 2010, working at four new CarePoints then (Ludlati, Mpholi, Mpaka, and Mahlabaneni) – visiting each one once a week. I treasured that opportunity, as I understood I was God’s instrument to make a lasting impact in the lives of the future stars for Eswatini, and He is counting on them to accomplish greater plans in human history, for His glory. My ministry was driven by a burning desire to see Christ forming Himself in each CarePoint child, according to Galatians 4:19, and to see them built-up to flourishing in their God-given gifts and talents.

After 18 months of my discipling role, I was privileged to be one of the first two individuals to attend and complete the Swazi Leadership Academy (SLA) initial training in South Africa and thereafter, trusted to design develop and lead the SLA program within AIM/HopeChest Eswatini for six years; whose focus has been to raise emerging leaders identified from each CarePoint, to disciple and model Christ in their respective communities. It was in that role that my leadership capacity was greatly expanded and my character was solidified as a godly leader while mentoring the participants through life and ministry. Beginning of 2018 I was further promoted to a role of Senior Manager for all Programs countrywide, which was followed by being the Country Director, as of this January 2020. 

It’s been an honor to grow through the ranks to become the leader that I am today, and develop my passion over time to nurture and build up ordinary humans into dynamic leaders in their area of gifting, anchored in Godly character. I trust God’s faithfulness even as I start on my Country Director role, and my vision as I lead a diversified team is to cross-pollinate cultures to enhance creativity and create cutting-edge leaders who would audaciously face life’s challenges with a victor mentality, and stably embrace their backgrounds with a transformer mentality – creating a better future for all.