Three Ways to Celebrate World Letter Writing Day!
Perhaps it feels so special to receive a letter because sending intentional mail hits each of the five love languages. Someone spends quality time writing words of affirmation on something physical that you can touch and open like a gift.
And how much more exciting is receiving a letter when it is from a friend overseas?!
The Mechanics of Hope: This school provides more than an education
At many Children’s HopeChest CarePoints, schools are also more than just a place to receive an education. Each layer of support offered at CarePoints builds a foundation of stability. This is especially true in Guatemala at the My Special Treasure Educational Center (MSTEC), which is a Christian school dedicated to providing holistic support for children whose parents work in the local garbage dump.
Build Relationships. Break Poverty. | Interview with Russia’s Country Director
Today on our podcast we are honored to have the woman who has been with Children’s HopeChest…before it was Children’s HopeChest! Katya Celenina has been HopeChest’s Country Director of Russia for over 25 years – from HopeChest being a seed that the Lord was watering to partnering with seven countries and serving over 34,000 children. …
Build Relationships. Break Poverty. | Interview with Russia’s Country Director Read More »
Build Relationships. Break Poverty. | Are You Helping or Harming While Visiting Another Culture?
Why doesn’t HopeChest allow travelers to bring bags full of toys to hand out to children? Why are HopeChest trips called “partner visits” and not “mission trips?” Why do we ask travelers to never leave behind money for children or locals? Why don’t travelers build or complete short-term projects while they’re visiting?
Build Relationships. Break Poverty. | Interview with Grief and Trauma Counseling Trainer
In this month’s podcast episode, JoE Lombard, Grief and Trauma Counseling Trainer, explains the intentionality behind the grief counseling programs that he designed and how he equips HopeChest staff to dive into their own pain so they can better heal the pain of children in their community. JoE has spent at least 20 years emotionally supporting youth across various cultures, equipping adults to walk through grief counseling with vulnerable children, and delivering grief counseling training for HopeChest staff in Uganda and Eswatini.
Lessons in Amharic – when language heals discomfort
The official language spoken in Ethiopia is called Amharic. I can barely say the name of the language, let alone many of the words. I’ve learned to surrender my desire to speak it well in order to at least give it a genuine try. It usually leads to practicing that lesson of making an idiot …
Lessons in Amharic – when language heals discomfort Read More »
Three Russian Programs That Ignite Hope Through Leadership
There is no more powerful force than knowing that you do not have to go through life alone. Christ exemplified this when he became man, to walk with us and experience life in a human body as we do, empathizing with our joys and our struggles. To follow Christ’s model, Children’s HopeChest’s CarePoints in Russia intentionally equip young adults to become leaders in their community, walking with orphaned children and young adults to climb life’s mountains together.