A Glimpse of Your Impact in 2023

Welcome to our annual reflection on the incredible impact you’ve made possible through Children’s HopeChest in 2023. This past year has been marked by transformative progress and heartwarming success stories, all thanks to your unwavering support. From empowering communities through sustainable development to touching individual lives with hope and opportunity, your contributions have brought the light of Christ to some of the world’s most vulnerable populations. Join us as we celebrate the milestones and personal stories that showcase the power of your generosity.

A Message from Our CEO

Ken Sparks, President and CEO of Children’s HopeChest, shares his gratitude and highlights from the past year:

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your unwavering support. Your partnership has been crucial in achieving remarkable milestones this year, enabling us to extend the hope of Christ to some of the world’s most vulnerable communities.

In Fiscal Year 2023, our collective efforts led to significant progress, including graduating CarePoints and enhancing our commitment to sustainability and community-led development.

To learn more about our achievements in 2023, read Ken’s full letter in our 2023 Annual Report.


Key Statistics

Your support has made a significant impact throughout 2023:

  • 17,288 letters were exchanged between sponsored children and their HopeChest friends.
  • 48 trips were organized for partner communities to visit their CarePoints.
  • 9,662 children are now enrolled in HopeChest’s programs.

Country Highlights


This year, your contributions continued to support educational journeys at our CarePoints. In Ethiopia, three outstanding students at Alade Genet CarePoint—Hirut, Darimyelesh, and Rediet—achieved remarkable success.

Read more about their achievements in our 2023 Annual Report.


At Obwobwo CarePoint, Agnes, a single mother of nine, faced severe hardships. Joining a VSLA group through HopeChest allowed her to borrow a loan, purchase land, and raise livestock, transforming her family’s future.

Read Agnes’ full story of transformation in our 2023 Annual Report.


Your support empowers orphanage graduates in Russia. This year, thirteen young graduates experienced a transformative orientation weekend, equipping them with vital life skills.

Learn how your contributions helped these young adults in our 2023 Annual Report.


Thanks to your generosity, leaders of Village Savings and Loans (VSL) groups in Kenya gained essential leadership skills through focused training sessions.

Read about the leadership development in Kenya in our 2023 Annual Report.



In June, students from the Guatemala Leadership Academy showcased their business plans at “The Challenge.” They presented with confidence and passion, competing for support to launch their businesses.

Discover more about these entrepreneurial students in our 2023 Annual Report.

Financial Transparency

Thank you for trusting Children’s HopeChest to be good stewards of your financial gifts. We are passionately committed to honoring the name of Jesus in everything we do, faithfully and prayerfully investing every dollar entrusted to us for the transformation of lives around the world.

View HopeChest’s financial transparency and see the full breakdown of our revenue and expenses by downloading and reading our 2023 Annual Report on our Financials Page.

Thank You!

My story has changed forever. When you talk about your single story, it’s hard to imagine any good can ever emanate from it. I am now a living testimony. Long live my Partner friend Jeru and Children’s HopeChest.” – Simon Peter, Uganda

I think I found the place where I feel like home.” – Kolya, Russia

Even though I had the idea to start my business, access to finance has always been a challenge. Praise the Lord, I received support through Children’s HopeChest and could see my dream becoming a reality.” – Lehlem, Ethiopia

Read more testimonies about HopeChest’s impact through your support in our 2023 Annual Report on our Financials Page. 

As we reflect on the accomplishments of 2023, we are filled with gratitude for the unwavering support of our partners and donors. Your generosity has been the driving force behind each success story and milestone. Together, we have empowered communities, transformed lives, and spread the hope of Christ across the globe. As we look forward to another year of making a difference, we invite you to continue this journey with us, knowing that every contribution helps build a brighter future for those in need. Thank you for being a crucial part of our mission and for making a lasting impact on countless lives.