It is rare that each person involved with a global organization is impacted by a singular misfortune. Individuals and families around the world and in the United States are feeling the effects of COVID-19. Media coverage and conversations around the dinner table all seem to revolve around a single topic. It seems as if national and local governments are enacting new orders each day. For every new regulation, people are impacted. COVID-19 has disrupted the health and economy of nations. People have lost loved ones, income, access to education, and have experienced prolonged social isolation. Amidst the chaos, however, there is hope.
In a divisive world, the pandemic has created a sense of unity. Regardless of a person’s race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or political affiliation, we are all in this together.
Recently, the emergence of social good has begun to flood the airwaves. Although socially isolated, people are finding unique ways to engage in the betterment of their community. For all of the families that have experienced unemployment, others are demonstrating profound generosity. For individuals who do not have food, churches and schools are providing services to combat hunger. Neighbors are helping one another, even when not permitted to be in close contact. Doctors and nurses are sacrificing their personal health to restore the health of those who have been diagnosed. Even in times of uncertainty, there is hope.
In the book of Timothy, we are reminded, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” It is beautiful to witness the emergence of a unified people who are not owned by fear; who conversely seek to love and serve one another.
In Guatemala, a powerful leader at a HopeChest CarePoint has made national news for her heroic efforts during this tumultuous time. Carolina Cardona, HopeChest Guatemala Country Director, shared this remarkable story:

“Jomara has a heart to help homeless children and their families. The Puerta de Esperanza CarePoint is located in a large commercial area, where all of the produce from the countryside comes to be distributed each day. The produce distribution has created perfect conditions for numerous people from the countryside to move to survive. Most of the time, families live in a house with one small room. Because the area is highly commercial, it has also attracted many homeless people, who wander around throughout the day to small businesses to beg for food or a job. At night, the homeless do not have a place to go, so they sleep on the streets.
When the COVID-19 outbreak hit Guatemala, Jomara, started to work to find the best way to support the homeless. The Guatemalan government initiated a mandatory curfew from 4:00 PM to 4:00 AM. The curfew implies that if someone is found on the streets during this period, they will go to jail or will have to pay a fine.
Recently, Jomara found a property to host all the Puerta de Esperanza programs. HopeChest, with the support of Core Community Church in Ohio and a generous donor, made the dream of having facilities for the CarePoint possible. At the beginning of March, Jomara started the process of remodeling and moving her programs to the new property.
This week, Jomara opened the doors of the new facilities that HopeChest helped provide. Now the CarePoint facilities have become a shelter for homeless people during the mandatory curfew. On March 24th, a Guatemalan news channel shared the story of hope with the nation during this challenging time. Jomara is a beacon of light for the country of Guatemala.”
HopeChest is committed to serving communities locally and around the world. Like Jomara, we desire to see communities transformed regardless of the circumstances impacting typical operations. The impact HopeChest can make through warriors, like Jomara, is only possible because of you. Join HopeChest to bring hope to communities around the world and in the United States. We have set-up a page specifically for people like you, to see how a donation will make a lasting and meaningful impact.
Finally, as we link together to serve those in need, let us remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr., for we know this season is only temporary. “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose hope.” The season of uncertainty is finite. We know that, together, we will continue to unleash hope around the world.