inspiring and driven members of Alliance of Hope

We want to hear your thoughts and meet you face-to-face. Well…screen-to-screen! You are an important part of Children’s HopeChest’s growth and ability to carry out innovative projects. We at HopeChest care about your thoughts and want you to hear important organizational updates and exciting current happenings — straight from HopeChest’s CEO and leadership.

Saturday, May 20

11:00 A.M. ET / 10:00 A.M. CT / 9:00 A.M. MT / 8:00 A.M. PT


CEO & President


Secretary, Board of Directors

Register to attend the Alliance of Hope stakeholder meeting by filling out the form below.

Loyce Circle 2

Will You Build Impact by Giving Today?

Together, we’ve witnessed the incredible power of partnership—changing lives, one at a time. But this is only the beginning.