Kostroma Dental Program
Country: Russia
City/Town: Kostroma
CarePoint: Kostroma
People Impacted: 80
Total Cost: $7,050
Estimated time to complete: 12 months (each region)
Area of Transformation

Health & Hygiene
Project Description
Nadezhda Fund has two dental clinics for older orphans, one in Vladimir CarePoint, the other in Kostroma CarePoint. The number of beneficiaries of this project is 80 older youth in Kostroma.
A dentist at the Kostroma CarePoint will provide dental care to older orphans on a weekly basis two times a week, six hours a day. The dentists will repair chipped and damaged teeth, fill cavities, and remove plaque. In addition to providing dental care, the dentists will speak with the young people about the importance of dental hygiene, how to properly brush, good nutrition, and about healthy lifestyle choices.

Historical Background
Nadezhda Fund was founded by Children’s HopeChest in 1996. Since then, it has been faithfully providing social, psychological, pedagogical, legal and medical support to orphans, children left without parental care and older orphans/orphanage graduates. The first dental clinic for older orphans was founded in Vladimir CarePoint in 1997, and later on, a clinic was organized in Kostroma. Since then, the program has proven to be effective at providing dental care to older orphans and promoting healthy lifestyles.
Most older orphans are extremely fearful of dental care. Many have avoided dental clinics since childhood and wait until their pain is very acute in order to seek care. By that time, their teeth are severely neglected and they have developed complications. Many also do not know how to properly brush their teeth or don’t brush their teeth at all, and others just brush half-heartedly. This leads to problems such as gingivitis, periodontal (gum) disease, and cavities. Most of the young people only come to receive dental care when they require extensive treatment. Often patients with such complications have to make three to four visits to treat one tooth and require treatment with medication (including antibiotics).
Undoubtedly, having a dental clinic at the CarePoint provides a significant savings for orphanage graduates. If they were to get treatment in local clinics, they would be spending around 3,000 rubles ($50 USD) for a simple cavity and between 5,000 and 10,000 rubles ($85-$170) for a cavity with complications.

Return on Investment Potential
The youth’s health will be improved, their confidence will be increased, and they will be productive in other areas of life. When they get older, the money they spend for tooth-related problems will be decreased and they may spend their income on more productive things.
Additional Impacts
Because of the services the youth are getting from the project, their health, their psychology, and confidence would be positively impacted.
Volunteer and Travel Opportunities
Volunteer/travel opportunities are available for dental professionals and students to learn about dentist work in a foreign/Russia context. Dental professionals can also provide training and knowledge.