Mision Energes School Bus Purchase Project
Country: Guatemala
City/Town: Monjas, Jalapa
CarePoint: Mision Energes
People Impacted: 125
Total Cost: $22,858
Estimated time to complete: 2 months
Area of Transformation

Project Description
Currently, Mision Energes offers school bus transportation for 70 children, who are between pre-school and high-school levels, providing support to reach higher education standards in the community. This service is available, both mornings and afternoons, from Monday to Friday. The purchase of the new bus will increase service capacity to the community from 70 to 85 students the first year and by 10 more students in each successive year through the fifth year. That means that we will be increasing our capacity by 55 children, over five years, which is an increase of 78% over those years.

Historical Background
Mision Energes was born through God’s calling to meet the basic needs of different communities. Monjas, Jalapa is one of these communities in which the ministry has worked, focusing especially on three major areas which are pastoral families, local churches, and communities.
Creciendo is a project that has been developed in the village called Agua Tibia, located in Monjas, Jalapa. This is a “forgotten community” in which the municipality and other authorities have not been present. The project is focused mainly on helping the families that work near the municipal dump. Many parents work in the dump, collecting and classifying various materials to be taken to local recycling plants. After this arduous process, the parents are paid very little money from which they feed themselves and their families.
The CarePoint has a vision to support the families to develop and improve their living conditions, facilitating opportunities to grow and develop their life skills through various programs. One of these programs is related to education, supporting the families with scholarships for their children, which includes daily transportation to the private school.

Return on Investment Potential
Busing the students to school is an essential part of the educational program at the CarePoint. This ensures that children are not missing school for lack of transportation. It cuts down the amount of time and energy they could have spent on walking to school and helps them to be productive and do well. The academic success of the children will help break the cycle of poverty in the community by creating a path to self-sufficiency.
Engagement Opportunities
Students can write “thank you” notes to donors, and donors can write letters to students to encourage them in their studies