
We are committed to equipping children with the resources to pursue an education that may otherwise remain inaccessible.
Learn more and give to a specific project that supports this particular area of transformation below.
Hosanna Emmanuel School Block
Public schools are a major asset of the community. The objective of the school block project is to provide increased access to education for children in the community.
Guatemala Leadership Academy
The Guatemala Leadership Academy (GLA) equips youth as emerging leaders, with skills that promote community transformation, stewardship, and active community leadership.
Iglesia Belen Music Training Program
The project will purchase guitars, flutes, and study booklets to create music classes that will help the children of the Iglesia Belen CarePoint develop musical skills and abilities. Music classes will start once a week and will eventually increase so the children can have a safe space to develop their instrumental skills. At the same time this will help to reduce the risk for the children to get involved in drugs, gangs, and other dangerous activity.
Mechanical Training
Chimaltenango is a community with a high level of poverty, where there is danger due to gang involvement and lack of opportunities. My Special Treasure Education Center’s goal is to be able to present to the children a solid moral and ethical basis for life, providing them with the opportunity to have access to education. In this way, they will become people who will impact their generation, and will become the agents of change for Chimaltenango and Guatemala.
Mision Energes School Bus Purchase Project
Currently, Mision Energes offers school bus transportation for 70 children, who are between pre-school and high-school levels, providing support to reach higher education standards in the community. This service is available, both mornings and afternoons, from Monday to Friday. The purchase of the new bus will increase service capacity to the community from 70 to 85 students the first year and by 10 more students in each successive year through the fifth year. That means that we will be increasing our capacity by 55 children, over five years, which is an increase of 78% over those years.
Kirov Jobs for Life
Program participants will consist of 14 senior-level students in Kirov Region who are older orphaned youth from Kirov colleges, majoring in the following fields: painting, plastering, furniture making, sewing, building, construction.
Kostroma Jobs for Life
Program participants will consist of 14 senior-level students in Kostroma Region who are older orphaned youth from Kostroma colleges, majoring in the following fields: painting, plastering, furniture making, sewing, building, construction.
Vladimir Jobs for Life
Program participants will consist of 14 senior-level students in Vladimir Region who are older orphaned youth from Vladimir colleges, majoring in the following fields: painting, plastering, furniture making, sewing, building, construction.
Russia Mentorship Program
The mentorship program in Russia has three branches of impact — Career Guidance and educational and cultural activities for older orphaned youth (60 beneficiaries in each CarePoint); Leadership Program (volunteer projects) led by active participants of CarePoint programs (20 beneficiaries in each CarePoint); and group meetings, discussions, and celebrations at the CarePoint (70 beneficiaries in each CarePoint).
Start Up Tools / Graduation
As young men and women complete their vocational training, startup tools allow these students to fully graduate from the program equipped with the appropriate materials and funding to begin their own small businesses and careers. Project funds include tools for each vocation, startup capital, and a graduation ceremony to recognize the achievements of these individuals, which will be attended by all CarePoint children, staff, community representatives, and community leaders. Tools will be distributed to graduates during the ceremony.
Teso Skills Development and Learning Center
The objective of the project is to improve the livelihood of out-of-school youth through providing life skills that empower them to engage in meaningful activities of economic value and job creation.
Uganda Leadership Development Program
The Uganda Leadership Development Program (UGLDP) seeks to equip youth as emerging leaders with skills that promote sustainable community transformation, stewardship, and active community leadership.