Economic Development

We are committed to equipping individuals with resources like employment training, vocational skills, and income-generating activities, as well as community savings and co-ops.
Learn more and give to a specific project that supports this particular area of transformation below.
Addis Ketema Water Point Extension
There is a water supply shortage in the community of Addis Ketema CarePoint, and in the nearby areas of Daka and Dato Kebeles. By providing a water extension in the area and constructing a water kiosk, community members will have easier access to clean water, which will contribute to increased health, hygiene, and sanitation for our beneficiaries and also the whole Daka and Dato communities.
Kombolcha Marketplace Trade
The objective of this income-generating project is to ensure the self-sufficiency of participants through creating individual businesses and self-employed jobs. These income-generating training groups will grow as community micro-financial institutions to support the members’ businesses. The main activities of the project will include selecting voluntary participants, gathering local knowledge of feasible business, sharing knowledge, conducting business development training. They will facilitate loans, and intensive follow up will be done on implementation to ensure effective and profitable businesses.
Shone Yehiwot Income-Generating Activities
In the Shone Yehiwot CarePoint community, people live in impoverished conditions. It is important to work in an integrated way of empowering children and supporting families to have their own income through participating in income-generating activities (IGAs). This project will be supporting them with initial capital in the form of revolving funds, as well as providing training and forming a saving groups under the Carepoint.
AMBI Chicken Coop Project
The objective is to train family leaders, especially women, so they can start a business to improve their income. We not only want to launch a family-level business, we also want to create a co-op amongst all the participating families in order to maximize the business opportunities.
Colegio Israel Cooking Classroom Project
Colegio Israel has the vision to train students from 7th to 9th grade in different vocational skills linked to their natural abilities or family businesses. The cooking training class needs investment in equipment, furniture, and a trainer.
Guatemala Leadership Academy
The Guatemala Leadership Academy (GLA) equips youth as emerging leaders, with skills that promote community transformation, stewardship, and active community leadership.
Santo Domingo Chicken Coop Project
This project empowers and dignifies the families of Santo Domingo CarePoint at Taracena, Santo Domingo. Twenty mothers will be provided with skills and tools necessary for raising chickens to help them generate additional income to support their families.
Women's Empowerment Project
The women’s empowerment project has been designed to work with vulnerable women who want to grow. Most of the participants are single mothers (50% of the community are single mothers) and women who have been through trauma. Phase one consists of healing emotional wounds, reestablishing healthy beliefs, and building confidence to accomplish goals. Phase two is learning with hands-on training, obtaining useful skills in baking and making pastries.
Kirov Jobs for Life
Program participants will consist of 14 senior-level students in Kirov Region who are older orphaned youth from Kirov colleges, majoring in the following fields: painting, plastering, furniture making, sewing, building, construction.
Kostroma Jobs for Life
Program participants will consist of 14 senior-level students in Kostroma Region who are older orphaned youth from Kostroma colleges, majoring in the following fields: painting, plastering, furniture making, sewing, building, construction.
Vladimir Jobs for Life
Program participants will consist of 14 senior-level students in Vladimir Region who are older orphaned youth from Vladimir colleges, majoring in the following fields: painting, plastering, furniture making, sewing, building, construction.
Nyada VSLA
The Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) provides a bucket of funds for guardians to contribute to and borrow from within the local village to help provide capital to start small businesses, as well as meeting other basic needs. The VSLA program educates participants and offers secure and accessible savings to locals, ultimately fueling income-generating activities to support community development.
Teso Skills Development and Learning Center
The objective of the project is to improve the livelihood of out-of-school youth through providing life skills that empower them to engage in meaningful activities of economic value and job creation.
Uganda Leadership Development Program
The Uganda Leadership Development Program (UGLDP) seeks to equip youth as emerging leaders with skills that promote sustainable community transformation, stewardship, and active community leadership.