Oditel Sheep Project
Country: Uganda
City/Town: Kapelebyong
CarePoint: Oditel
People Impacted: 116
Total Cost: $6,215.95
Estimated time to complete: 1 year
Area of Transformation

Agriculture & Animal Husbandry
Project Description
The sheep rearing project is a revolving project in which participants will each receive one sheep, the sheep will breed, and the first baby sheep will be returned to the CarePoint to be given to the next round of beneficiaries. This project will improve the income and livelihood of the people of Oditel and participants will be able to live more financially independent and self-reliant lives.

Historical Background
Kapelebyong was one of the most hit sub-counties by the LRA (Lords Resistance Army) and left the region with challenges including a population of more than 50% under the age of 25, extreme poverty and drug abuse, early pregnancy, and exposure to HIV/AIDs.
As a community that depends on agriculture and livestock, providing seed sheep to the children/guardians at the CarePoint will support self-sustainability in the community, ultimately fighting the perspective of dependency.
Return on Investment Potential
The sheep produce twice a year, so the return on investment is quick. Sheep can be sold or exchanged for cows or bulls for plowing agricultural fields.
Additional Impacts
With the added income from this project, households will be able to access better healthcare services, pay for education fees, and more to improve their quality of life. This project offers a sense of belonging and social acceptance and gives the individuals ownership of something they can be proud of. This project also builds good rapport with government agencies in the region.
Volunteer and Travel Opportunities
Donors and volunteers have the opportunity to visit the CarePoint to see the project’s progress.
Engagement Opportunities
For individuals or teams who have experience in raising sheep, their expertise is welcome.