Kaberamaido Piggery Project
Country: Uganda
City/Town: Kaberamaido
CarePoint: Kaberamaido
People Impacted: 143
Total Cost: $4,158.73
Estimated time to complete: 1 year
Area of Transformation

Agriculture & Animal Husbandry
Project Description
The piggery project provides 143 pigs to the children at Kaberamaido CarePoint, providing households with an alternative source of income besides agriculture. Pigs take a short time to mature, and will reproduce quickly, returning additional pigs to the local community in this regenerative project.

Historical Background
The Population Census Report of 2017 of Kaberamaido District reveals that 96.4% of the population is engaged in either crop growing or livestock farming for their livelihoods. The CarePoint is looking to improve the income of the households with orphans and vulnerable children by distributing piglets to the children in the program. Pigs multiply quickly and will generate income faster than any other livestock animal. Increased household income will support education fees, medical care, and overall quality of life for the families at Kaberamaido.

Return on Investment Potential
A sow has a gestation period of 115 days from which it can produce 10-12 piglets in a litter. The sow can produce up to two times per year if managed well, making it the most reproductive livestock in the world. Each piglet costs between 50,000 and 100,000 shillings, and the number of pigs in a given farm can easily double at this reproduction rate. With the rapid livestock reproduction and the demand for sales, this project will greatly impact the families at the Kaberamaido CarePoint by increasing income at the household level which will in turn improve living conditions, empower families to pay for education expenses for children, and provide access to better medical care.
Because the piggery project will be revolving in nature, the CarePoint will pass on 50 piglets to 50 orphaned and vulnerable children who are not in the CarePoint.
Additional Impacts
The project promotes self-reliance, individual earning empowerment, and unity in the larger community.
Volunteer and Travel Opportunities
Kaberamaido CarePoint will always offer donors an opportunity to visit the homes of the beneficiaries to see the progress of the projects which they previously funded or new ones they plan to fund.
Engagement Opportunities
Donors with skills in animal husbandry and raising pig are encouraged to educate the families receiving pigs in this project.