Agriculture & Animal Husbandry

We are committed to working with community leaders to assess the possibility of agricultural and animal husbandry projects and finding ways to implement them.
Learn more and give to a specific project that supports this particular area of transformation below.
AMBI Chicken Coop Project
The objective is to train family leaders, especially women, so they can start a business to improve their income. We not only want to launch a family-level business, we also want to create a co-op amongst all the participating families in order to maximize the business opportunities.
Santo Domingo Chicken Coop Project
This project empowers and dignifies the families of Santo Domingo CarePoint at Taracena, Santo Domingo. Twenty mothers will be provided with skills and tools necessary for raising chickens to help them generate additional income to support their families.
Kaberamaido Piggery Project
The piggery project provides 143 pigs to the children at Kaberamaido CarePoint, providing households with an alternative source of income besides agriculture. Pigs take a short time to mature, and will reproduce quickly, returning additional pigs to the local community in this regenerative project.
Ngariam Sheep Project
The sheep project is a revolving project in which beneficiaries will each receive one sheep, the sheep will breed, and the first baby sheep will be returned to the CarePoint and given to the next round of beneficiaries. This project will improve the income and livelihood for the people of Ngariam and beneficiaries will become more financially independent.
Oditel Sheep Project
The sheep rearing project is a revolving project in which participants will each receive one sheep, the sheep will breed, and the first baby sheep will be returned to the CarePoint to be given to the next round of beneficiaries. This project will improve the income and livelihood of the people of Oditel and participants will be able to live more financially independent and self-reliant lives.
Okocho Goat Project
As a community that depends on livestock, the goat project supports guardians by increasing household income and growing an asset-base.